We work to offer a diverse array of plans that are right for you. All plans start with a personal intake session, where a member of the team meets with you to take stock of what your goals are. We want to understand, from your perspective, what has been getting in the way of your success. We also want to assess what a realistic approach might be for your specific circumstances. Many will boast quick results, but the Kinetic Foundry wants to set expectations for real progress. Progress takes time. The work depends on your dedication and consistent practice.
After an initial intake, a specialized curriculum will be drawn up based on your concerns, our assessment, and your goals. This curriculum will be a malleable framework for how we continue to work with you. It should be noted that the plan may change as our understanding of your instrument deepens. All curricular alterations are completely transparent so you know where you are and where you are going.
Plan Types
Intake meeting (Included in all plans)
All clients will be met with an initial intake meeting to assess challenges and personal goals. This meeting happens before any of the following plans begin. A new client should be prepared to present some of their best work (a short presentation, a speech, monologue, etc.) that is relevant to their goals for us to see them in action.
Single session
As The Kinetic Foundry aims toward meaningful and long lasting change, a single session is offered in only two circumstances. Firstly, a new client may choose to have a single session before committing to a plan in order to see if our services are right for them. Similarly, this gives us an opportunity to see if the client is a good fit for our learning community. A first session would start after the initial intake meeting. Secondly, An established client, who has already made progress may choose single sessions as a support service that helps them maintain their skills for the long term.
Monthly plan
Those with a short term goal may find it beneficial to schedule a few meetings ahead of time to keep them motivated and on track. The monthly plan includes four sessions over four weeks. A first session would start after the initial intake meeting.
Monthly plan (twice weekly)
Those who want to study more intensely or have a goal on a tighter timeline might find it beneficial to hold two sessions a week. The monthly plan (twice weekly) includes 8 sessions within four weeks. A first session would start after the initial intake meeting.
6 month plan
Those with long term goals or those who want to consistently sharpen and maintain their skills may choose to book for half the year. The 6 month plan includes 24 weekly work sessions. A first session would start after the initial intake meeting.